5 Sources for Finding Ideas for Your Ministry
The thing is you were never meant to do ministry alone. We need other people for creativity, innovation, and support. The best part of the age that we live in now is that we don’t have to meet these people face to face to be a part of the community. There are many sources we can turn to get help, support, coaching, and so much more that will help take your ministry to the next level.
5 Ideas to Celebrate Dad on Father's Day
Father’s Day is next week, and your church may be thinking of some ways to celebrate dad. In a lot of churches, this day is overlooked. Especially since so much time and resources were spent on Easter and Mother’s Day, this day gets the scraps. However, Father’s Day can be made just as special as these other two days with some intentionality and creativity.
Video Game Buying Guide 2022
Since this is coming out on Black Friday, I thought it would be appropriate to talk about one of my passions.
Video Games.
I’ve been playing since I was a little kid and still play regularly. Also working in NextGen, I’ve seen a lot of kids exposed to games and media way before they’re ready because of their parents' ignorance.
It doesn’t have to be this way though.
Video Game Console Buying Guide for Parents 2020
It’s been 3 years since I wrote one of these, but with the new generation of consoles coming out this year, I figured it was time for an update.
If you’ve been looking to buy your family a new video game console, the choices can seem endless and confusing. The web is full of unboxing videos, reviews, and tech specs, but unless you’re into computers and gaming many of those are irrelevant at best or nonsensical at worst. (I’m not entirely certain what a teraflop is anyway).
Video Game Console Buying Guide 2017
With so many consoles out there and video games becoming a major part of the American childhood experience, many parents are asking which one should I get for my kids?
This downloadable kit will help you develop and deploy an effective parent info meeting.