9 Survey Questions  for the Best Event  Feedback
NextGen, Events, Marketing David Reneau NextGen, Events, Marketing David Reneau

9 Survey Questions for the Best Event Feedback

Feedback is so important. I can’t tell you how many times I thought something was going to work and it bombed and other times something trivial became a huge success.

Through the years, I’ve found collecting feedback increases my odds of creating success. There are a lot of tools out there to facilitate the collection of feedback, but the one I use for most events is surveys.

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How to Create A Volunteer Job Description
NextGen, Administration, Volunteers, Resources David Reneau NextGen, Administration, Volunteers, Resources David Reneau

How to Create A Volunteer Job Description

Let’s imagine that through very little work of your own you had 30 new volunteers show up in your ministry on the same day. Do you know where you’d put them? Do you know what job you’d give them to do? How would you onboard them to make sure they understand the mission and vision of your ministry?

Asking these kinds of questions helps you see the holes in your ministry. And what you need to work on to get to that next level.

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 Ministry is a Marathon
NextGen, Leadership David Reneau NextGen, Leadership David Reneau

Ministry is a Marathon

It’s so exciting when you first start in ministry. There’s so much passion and energy, and you just can’t wait to get in with the kids or youth and change lives.

But if you’ve been in ministry for more than a year, you have to know that not everything moves as fast as you thought they would.

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5 Steps to Building Your Volunteer Structure for Growth
NextGen, Volunteers, Administration, Resources David Reneau NextGen, Volunteers, Administration, Resources David Reneau

5 Steps to Building Your Volunteer Structure for Growth

I recently saw a post on a Facebook group asking how many volunteers they need for 30-40 kids. It was really a question about ratios, which are very important, but having the correct room ratio may not be enough when thinking about the right number of volunteers.

I’ve written about this before, but when I first started in kidmin, you could have called my Sunday morning service the David Reneau show.

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How to Divide Your Small Groups
NextGen, Administration, Service Planning David Reneau NextGen, Administration, Service Planning David Reneau

How to Divide Your Small Groups

If you’ve been doing small groups in your kids service for any length of time, you may be asking what is the best way to split the kids up? Do we do it by grade? Gender? Favorite candy? Random?

The truth is there is no perfect answer and depending on the size of your ministry and how many kids show up per service the answer will be different.

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5 Numbers You Should Track in Your Ministry and Why
NextGen, Administration, Resources David Reneau NextGen, Administration, Resources David Reneau

5 Numbers You Should Track in Your Ministry and Why

I’ve heard business entrepreneurs say that you have to know your numbers. The same is true with your ministry. How many attended this week? Last week? How many volunteers? First time guests? Baptisms? Small Groups?

If you don’t track it, and by tracking, I mean write it down in a spreadsheet, you’re losing out on valuable information that can help you keep your ministry healthy and growing.

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How to Order T-shirts: Part 3
NextGen, Administration, Events, Marketing, Resources David Reneau NextGen, Administration, Events, Marketing, Resources David Reneau

How to Order T-shirts: Part 3

The day is finally here. Your event is coming up and you now have several boxes full of your brand-spanking-new shirts. But how do you get them out to your people? How do you make sure they get the right sizes? What happens if they ordered the wrong size?

If you’re going to sell them, how much should you charge? Do you have to keep inventory?

It’s a lot to think about. There are no perfect systems out there, but these are some things I do to get them out to the right people at the right time, even if I’m selling them.

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How to Order T-shirts: Part 2

How to Order T-shirts: Part 2

In this post I’ll answer the question how many shirts should I buy?

In a perfect world, you’d have every participant’s shirt size weeks in advance of your event so you can order the exact right amount and eliminate waste or worse, run out of a particular size. But because of Adam and Eve’s failure we don’t live a perfect world, and now we have to guess.

Thanks a lot guys.

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How to Order T-Shirts: Part 1

How to Order T-Shirts: Part 1

Let's do T-shirts!

That’s a question that somehow got skipped in seminary. Nowhere in all my studies did anyone tell me how to design, order, and then sell/give-away t-shirts and somehow in my ministry experience I find myself having to do it at least once a year.

Over the years, I’ve developed some strategies to help me be successful and get the kind of shirts everyone loves.

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4 Pools to Recruit Volunteers
Volunteers, NextGen, Kidmin David Reneau Volunteers, NextGen, Kidmin David Reneau

4 Pools to Recruit Volunteers

Recently, I found myself with only one volunteer on a particular Wednesday night with less than two days to find new volunteers. Closing the ministry for the night was not an option, but it was looking like it may happen. It’s not a fun place to be. As I thought about who I can recruit, I found that there are four pools of people I can ask to serve.

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A Follow-up Plan for Easter
NextGen, Events, Marketing, Holidays David Reneau NextGen, Events, Marketing, Holidays David Reneau

A Follow-up Plan for Easter

Easter is the Super Bowl of Christendom. More people come to church on Easter than any other Sunday of the year. I know last year’s Easter was different than any in recent memory, but now with churches opening up again, and others, like mine in Florida have been open for a while, we’re looking to see the people to come back maybe for the first time in over a year. Looking at 2019’s stats, my ministry doubled in size for that one Sunday. But with all these new people how do we get them to come back? How do we connect them to our church?

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Building Your Ministry for When You're Gone (Workshop Notes)

Building Your Ministry for When You're Gone (Workshop Notes)

One thing I was taught early in my ministry career is that you are always replaceable. You are not going to be where you are forever. Most likely there was someone before and there will be someone after you. You are just the steward of the ministry and it is up to you as to what condition it’s going to be in when you leave.

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