4 Effective Altar Calls for Your Ministry
There is an age-old tradition in our evangelical services. Altar time. That point at the end of the service when the congregation responds to what they’ve just heard. Usually by coming to the front of the room for prayer.
Avoiding Failure on Your Next Ministry Idea
I had a great idea. A God idea. What if we got the whole church together on Saturdays for an hour of prayer? It would be easy to continue the practices started with 21 Days of Prayer. We could cover our services in prayer. Lives would change. More people will believe in Jesus! But...
4 Questions to Find Your Perfect Curriculum
One of the biggest questions I see in the Kidmin world is what curriculum do we use? Which one is better? 252Kids? High Voltage? Bible Engagement? Open Church? Write your own?
The curriculum options out there are endless, and you can spend a lot of time, energy, and money trying to find the right one for your ministry.
This downloadable kit will help you develop and deploy an effective parent info meeting.